Broadband internet has become more widely available, the cost of connecting is decreasing, more Wi-Fi capable devices are being created and sensors built into them, technology costs are going down, and smart phone penetration is sky-rocketing. All of these things are creating a "perfect storm” for the IoT.

Simply put, this is the concept of connecting any device with an on and off switch to the Internet (and/or to each other). This includes everything from cell phones, coffee makers, washing machines, headphones, lamps, wearable devices and almost anything else you can think of. This also applies to components of machines, for example, a jet engine of an airplane or the drill of an oil rig.

Remember, the new rule for the future is going to be: "anything that can be connected, will be connected.” That is why BEZH also works with Internet of things (IoT) and Industrial Internet Of Things (IIoT).

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